Post by Sage Glass on Aug 29, 2009 15:32:06 GMT -4
General Rules:
Character Rules:
RPing Rules:
**In order to reserve a post, write the people invited into the story in the first post or on the thread's title. If you are free to anyone posting onto the board, put "Open", or nothing at all.
In order to make a point out of character, place "OOC:" before posting what you need to say. Example-a person is powerplaying. You could say:
OOC: That's powerplaying.
If you wish to use OOC and roleplay in one post, place "BIC:", standing for "back in character", to begin.
OOC: I'm sorry this is a private RP.
BIC: Mary dove into the ocean. (Of course this is a bit too short for an actual post.)
Rules update: If you are inactive on any of the posts for more than a month, that post will be moved to the "Completed Stories" board, and everyone will pretend like that thread never happened. If the inactive person comes back, if everyone wants to continue the thread, you may.
*Copyright Note: Surviving the Night does not own the background for the beach skin. For more information, go here: *
1. Do not be disrespectful to members of staff. If you feel a staff member is being unfair or is abusing their power contact another staff member of that status or higher (for example, if an ADMIN is being unfair, contact only another admin.)
2. Be respectful to all members. There should be tolerance to all members at all times. If there is excessive fighting there will be punishment.
If the other person is being unfair or is breaking rules:
a) Talk to them about the rulebreaking and see if they do anything about it
b) Contact a staff member quietly.
3. As this is a roleplaying site, keep it that way. If you're here to chat, post on the proper board. Spamming excessively will not be tolerated.
4. This site is rated PG-13. PLEASE no R. Keep cussing to a minimmum, although it IS allowed. Sexually explicit material is NOT tolerated...kisses OK but don't get descriptive (ex. french kissing, spare us the details.)
5. No unfair treatment, racism, prejudice, sexist, etc. behaviors. It will NOT be tolerated.
6. No illegal activity allowed. Anything posted by members of the website is not the responsibility of the staff members.
7. Follow all regulations and rules of the board.
8. Admins have the ability to change and add rules, so you might want to check them once in a while, to make sure your not unintentionally breaking any.
Character Rules:
1. Create your character on the Character Creator section of the Characters category as a New Thread.
2. Include as much detail as possible. Include some of the character's background, looks, etc. The subject must be the selected name of the character.
3. If we find it has no problems you will see a reply approval from staff, if not we will ask you to tend to it as needed.
4. You can only post on stories after being accepted by actual staff.
5. You character is a human. There will be no animals, warlocks, knights, aliens, etc. You will not have superpowers.
6. The boat that you were on hand students that were extremely smart, extremely rich, or both.
7. Only one character per account. If you want another character, make another account. (The maximum amount of characters is 3.)
8. Face claims are not required, but if you want one, no anime face claims-- real people only!
RPing Rules:
1. Don't be a Mary-Sue/don't god-mod. What this means is, don't make a indestructible character, or an all around PERFECT one.
2. There is a two sentence minimmum to posts on RP. NO chatspeak.
3. Powerplaying, or controlling an active person's character in a story without complete permission, is entirely prohibited.
4. You can be in up to two threads at once, but in your second one, you must say whether it takes place before or after the previous one.
5. No player can kill/wound another without that player's consent.
6. Marriage of players, birth (children and pregnancy) is not allowed at the time, but a relationship between two players is fine.
7. Threadjumping is prohibited. If a story is reserved to certain people and you are not accepted into the story, do not post/barge onto the thread.
8. When you start a thread, you must include the time and date. Everyone washed up on August 29th, 2009. Look at the sideboards to see the current date.
**In order to reserve a post, write the people invited into the story in the first post or on the thread's title. If you are free to anyone posting onto the board, put "Open", or nothing at all.
In order to make a point out of character, place "OOC:" before posting what you need to say. Example-a person is powerplaying. You could say:
OOC: That's powerplaying.
If you wish to use OOC and roleplay in one post, place "BIC:", standing for "back in character", to begin.
OOC: I'm sorry this is a private RP.
BIC: Mary dove into the ocean. (Of course this is a bit too short for an actual post.)
Rules update: If you are inactive on any of the posts for more than a month, that post will be moved to the "Completed Stories" board, and everyone will pretend like that thread never happened. If the inactive person comes back, if everyone wants to continue the thread, you may.
*Copyright Note: Surviving the Night does not own the background for the beach skin. For more information, go here: *